7/26/2021 - 8/1/2021


woke up at 6:40a today. i am trying to fall asleep by 11 and start just committing to waking up earlier all the time, clearly that’s what my body wants. gonna start doing yoga in the mornings instead.

anyway, i dropped off another deposit for this new mortgage, dropped off those orders, deposited the mckay’s money in the bank, and then did the new york times crossword…all before 9:30am!

i was just hanging out with Alec from Safari Room - the band I saw on Saturday. he bought me a burrito in exchange for some music marketing direction. i appreciated the burrito for sure.

got home and was gonna do yoga but feeling tired and kind of curious to try to go to bed super earlier and make this 6:30am wake up thing normal….so going to bed now (it’s 10p). haha.

night night. before long, i’ll be working on music again - don’tcha worry. in fact, i need to prepare for my and aaron’s first practice on 8/5.


woke up at 6:00 am today. figured i’d try what i said yesterday. i’m hoping to fall asleep before 11pm tonight and have a similar morning tomorrow.

as for this morning, i did yoga, took a shower, ate breakfast, and did the crossword. i took pictures of all the vinyl I’m trying to sell and made a fb post about selling them off. ps, if anyone’s curious, i have these for sale:

The Byrds - Sweetheart of the Rodeo ($10)

Fitz & The Tantrums - Fitz & the Tantrums SEALED ($20)

Ida - Ten Small Paces ($50)

The Kinks - The Kink Kronikles ($10)

Main Source - Breaking Atoms ($20)

Arthur Fielder and the Boston Pops - The Sweet Sounds of Spring ($10)

ZZ Top - Tejas ($10)

The Velvet Underground - White Light / White Heat WHITE VINYL ($18)

The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Part One ($30)

lmao. doubtful. anyway. after i took those pics and made that post, my roommate/friend mick and i smoked and we listened to ‘currents’ by Tame impala - on that shitty vinyl copy i found. it was honestly decently scratched and dusty which had such an amazing effect on the listening experience. it’s so weird to find a modern record all dinged up. was really a unique listen

after that we took a walk around town in the night heat and got jeni’s ice cream at turnip truck. we got back and i watched random YT vids and messed around with reverbs on the new songs. then we ate the ice cream.

i’m going to bed nowwwww. house inspection tomorrow


phew. that house inspection was not without issues, which kinda surprised me. without getting too crazy into it, basically it’s worth moving forward with - but there will probably be handful of repairs - and there are still some unknowable things about it which is always unnerving. though I assume we’re gonna know those things two before signing? dunno.

really hope this house works out, seriously. it’s too perfect for me.

anyhow, other than that i shipped some orders and sold four of those vinyls already. i also picked up my laptop which was under free repair from apple and it’s working better than ever which is PERF because i’m gonna start using it for shows.

speaking of, i really need to set up synths and practice all those songs. i think that will be a ‘this weekend’ thing. maybe i’ll get some vids or something regarding that process. feel like i need to keep you all in the loop with as much music stuff as poss.

had ‘currents’ on my mind all day. i really like it a lot, it’s very inspiring. i want to study it more and it’s making me think about my music in a different way that i could see informing future records.

thanks for always being here. you have no idea how pivotal printerville has become to our success.


that house is fucked. two in a row. i’m pretty beat up about it to be honest.

i went back to mckay’s to see if they still had that Yamaha dx7 we saw on sunday - dunno if i mentioned that i saw that, but they had it up for like $375 and they normally go for $500 at least. i would have bought it if i wasn’t in the middle of buying a house at the time, but once this house fell through i figured why not. if i really needed the money back i could sell it for more, after all

anyways, it was gone, when i went back, haha.

saw my a couple friends play at the basement tonight. cassidy gephart - artist whose record i worked on over july 4th weekend, when i was putting synth tones down - she played. amazing!! couldn’t believe it. can’t wait for the record.

Got home late, hope i sleep alright.


I DID sleep alright! today was p jam packed. i went to the bank to move some money around and also looked at a couple new houses. the first one I could see myself living in, if the price can be talked down (which is possible). then i saw the green knight with some friends, which i actually quite liked. I had 4 free regal tickets from 2018 and they accepted them at the theater. free movie yo

the movie was cool, it made me think about how there are people i would see that movie with that would have just been like ‘that was a bunch of random shit i didn’t get it, ergo, this movie sucks.’ those people have toxic energy.

anyways, then we went to greenhouse after that - which is a bar inside a greenhouse with plants everywhere. thematically relevant.

everyone followed me back to my house and we listened to veckatimest and currents while just hanging. my roommate bust in with 3 other friends at about 12:30 and started playing shitty improvised music on the drums and electric guitar. didn’t really read the room lmao.

anyways, it’s actually 2:30am which is playing with fire for me. so, i go night night


woke up feeling so weird. probs ‘cause i smoked a little at like 1:30a.

went to bed soooo tired last night, and i slept later than i thought I would today, but it was still not enough. feeling real weird most of the day.

I actually practiced “facebook” until i got it down. it took me about an hour to learn the chorus and be able to play it halfway decent. now i just need to hammer it down with practice. those chords are fucked.

after that, did yoga, ate thai food, and then went to look at three more houses.

the first one we went to had tenants, and we heard them fucking in the living room. and we saw the couch moving in the window. kinda fuckin hilarious and weird actually.

second house i’m obsessed with. 600 square feet with a Zelda ass back yard. the floor’s a little uneven though and we couldn’t properly check it out. hopefully can go back tomorrow to do so.

the last one i checked out was a bit too far out of town and just felt weird to me? dunno. it was plenty nice, just off.

got back and messed around with “shook & tattered up” which i think i will change the title of. hitting a breakthrough with reverbs and replaced a synth bass with my moog.

i tried to go to bed at 9p and layed in bed for two hours. didn’t fucking work. back up now and just gonna set up some orders, take a melatonin soon and try the fuck again. pissin me off

tons of thunder tonight, always found it weirdly comforting.


bleccggggh last night sucked sleep wise. but i just pushed through. it was actually so busy.

ran the usual errands with michael all morning, always a nice time. it was ‘cold’ enough out to get hot coffee which i love.

i went back to look at that tiny ass house and get underneath the crawlspace. it looked pretty good to me but i don’t know what i’m looking for, really. there looked to be something addressing the uneven floors but idk if it was good or bad.

after that looked at another house that i really didn’t like. was being sold by a couple that was obsessed with being married. had a dog and a kid coming. no disrespect to anyone, but standard american vibes make me wanna vom.

we’re gonna get more info on tiny house before I can put in an offer. i don’t have high hopes based on my track record with fuckin’ floors, here.

after that i hung out at home with my roommate and had a great convo. then I went down to visit my friend Corrin where we had a great hang. she recently was backstage at a deadmau5 concert. soups cool.

soup’s cool.

soup is cool. it’s ready to eat

anyway night