7/19/2021 - 7/25/2021


so uhhhhhhh they accepted my offer and i’m buying a house now???

i have barely any idea what to do with this information! i’m pumped yet confused yet slightly at peace with the whole thing.

i’m a little stressed with shows coming up because I’ll be moving into this house right as we’re cresting towards this first show in september. i’m sure it’ll get worked out, but I worry about the financials.

anyhow, probably going to be running a merch sale soon…haha. would be great to get rid of this stuff and fund this move. gonna be verrrry broke for a few months.

super weird day. i also slept like shit yet again. this is so annoying, but i’m making sure i fall asleep soon.

ate some of the best sushi of my life tonight at a place called Oku Sushi in Nashville. if you’re ever around, try it. it’s half off rolls on monday, but it’s insanely high quality.

weirrrrrrd day!!! can’t get over it. night night.


slept like shit yet againnnn. this has been like a week straight. i don’t know wtf is up

today i mostly spent with my friend corrin. we talked about our respective music projects and mused on what the hell i’m doing about this house situation. by that i mean, how i’m gonna paint it, move in, make it mine, etc.

mostly just going through the motions, i’m dying to not feel tired as all hell all the time. i put off yoga yesterday too, which i always hate doing. i didn’t have time to do it tonight.

my roommmate sal is moving out tomorrow to live in ny. he helped me build this playback rig for the upcoming shows. we’ll still be able to work on stuff remotely though, if needed. it wasn’t all that sad, but i guess that’s partially because i’m used to him being gone for months at a time as is, and we’re going to have plenty of business to attend to.

anyhow. corrin sent me home with like 12 high quality macro balanced refrigerated meals, which is good, because i’m about to be broke as shit. good night!


blechghhhh. would you believe i didn’t sleep well again??? i don’t want printerville to be day over day of “jesse complains about being tired,” lmao. but idk, it’s like chronic or something. it plagues me so much!!

i shut off my ads (you probably know the ones lmao) to save for the house a bit. i don’t really make money on those ads, if anything i lose a little bit of money. that’s fine because it’s growing an audience, but it’s better to just chill and not add financial chaos. i’ll be back before long, i got hellllla plans for so much stuff and it only gets benefited by having my own designated space.

that’s the most important thing about this house. it’s a place to shoot video, practice, record, write, etc - with no one in the way and space to do it all. i realize that being more cooped up doesn’t even allow my brain to consider doing videos or practicing because it’s such an ordeal otherwise.

anyway. i packed up a few orders, bought toiler paper, deposited $40 cash into my bank (lol) and then did yoga after watching a youtube video on how to remove stucco ceilings. i hope i sleep great tn.


…it happened.


man, today was a shut-in, but for good reason. to start, i’m bootstrapping hard so trying not to galavant around town all that much. except for the occasional $10 show, i’m gonna be mostly home and eating groceries.

did so much work today. researched paint needs for the house (uhhh and how to do that), went through my vinyl collection to see what could be sold, and what was going for a higher value, took 30% of a homebuyer course I need to take to get this loan, and wrote a bp email for tomorrow (you’ll get it).

ps if you’re somehow reading this before 10am tomorrow, major discounts on the store right now. you’ll see why

anyhow, things feel nice. getting more into the house concept, finances are looking “okayer” than i thought.


Today I went to the inspection for my house.

and…it was horrible.

it might be unlivable. There was crazy water damage all underneath the house. Might have to walk from this one…sad, but also how it goes.

I also saw Smart objects at the basement. Playing with them on 9/11 at the 5 spot! They were so good, I actually surprised by how much that show rocked me.

I didn’t really sleep last night, so I’m going to bed earlier. Night night


Walked away from tiny shitty purple house…I’ determined to keep looking though. I had some houses set up to visit this afternoon.

lots happened today. To start, my laptop wouldn’t turn on so I took it to the apple atore. Turns out I just needed a new charger which I got, but I was also due for a recall and so they’re replacing my keyboard and battery for free. Really great

then I did picked packages off of Aaron’s porch to protect them while they’re away, and did yoga. showered and looked at more houses. There was this little blue one that was perfect for me.

in fact, I asked to put an offer in on it and my realtor did so within 2 hours. Insane. So, hearing back in the morning about that.

then I went to the high watt to see Safari room. Show was awesome and I ran into so many friends there, actually. Ended up hanging out a long time with a cross section of peeps I didnt know knew each other (that I also knew)

real nice.



went to be late because of the show obv. very tired today…

ran around town all morning! first of all, my offer got accepted for the blue house. wild. within 12 hours! i hope i get this one

took my roommate christian with me to do errands. we picked up michael and went to mckay’s, which is a used CDs/books/vinyl/games/dvds etc store. massive. super fun to browse in. i went there to sell a bunch of cds and records and books to help bolster this down payment…

i got $72 in cash and $22 in store credit, so i used it to buy a weirdly beat up vinyl of ‘currents’ by tame impala. it was so weird to see a copy that was all dog eared and stained. it made it way more interesting to me. also bought christian ‘ocean eyes’ by owl city on CD with the leftover $2.

went to target for those boys (i didn’t need anything) and then christian and i went to get pizza at 5 points - the only pizza worth a damn in nashville. then we dropped off recycling and went to trader joe’s. got gas on the way home, and then i packed up 20 orders from the damn “i’m moving” sale which was very successful. thank you all so much, you helped me afford this down payment. ridiculous.

with the rest of the day i finished this online course i needed to take for the mortgage loan i’ll be using….lmao.

anyway. good friggin night