JOIN me in Printerville 🖨🏘
Printerville is what I’m calling my exclusive membership community! think patreon, but sleeker.
as a musician in a world where funding music is an enormous uphill battle, subscribing to printerville is an amazing way to allow me to do bigger and better things - and accomplish all the things you’ve been hoping to see from bp :) as someone personally skeptical of patreon style stuff, i’ve thought very hard about how to make this something you’ll actually enjoy contributing to - and in a way that works for you. for that reason, printerville is pay what you want. yep, you can pay just $1 a month, or $420 a month. you can even change it whenever you want. rent is expensive enough in real life, lmao.
What do you get from joining printerville?
it truly is a delight in printerville, and our community would just love to have you! here’s what you gain access to by becoming a resident:
💿 hear the new basic printer songs as i make them!
i upload “works in progress” periodically and even update them as they get closer to being finished.
📚 read the printer journal!
i periodically post hella personal journal entries about what i’ve been up to, both personal and musical. you’ll get the most intimate look into my life possible on the internet.
📝 Your name in the liner notes of all future releases!
if you contribute for any amount of time, you’ll see your name in the credits for the cassette, cd, an vinyl release during your tenure.
💯 First in line for all important news, releases, and merch drops.
never shake your fist in the sky with ire when that shirt you’re dying for is sold out!
what does it cost? whatever you want it to.
yeah, the internet’s super weird. right? i mean, how can i “give” you something online that isn’t just, clicking around on yet another web page, somewhere?
when i started making printerville this concept really kind of bothered me. i felt like i could never do enough for my printervillagers.
but, a lot of you didn’t actually seem to care what i did in printerville - you were just happy to support me. that absolutely boggles my mind, but i suppose i can understand it. haha. so i figured - why not make it all about support? why don’t you tell me what this worth? this way, i can be 100% sure that you feel like you’re getting what you’re paying for.
if you think hearing all my music before everyone else and taking a peek into my personal life is worth just $1/month, then that’s what it’s worth. think it’s worth more? go for it. having a tough month and need to lower your pledge? do it up. got a raise and want to spread the love? crank that thang up. it’s all up to you!