8/2/2021 - 8/8/2021


today felt great. i figured out how to get the tone from ‘eventually’ by Tame Impala on my Juno-106. that was kinda fun. then i went to see ‘The Secret Life of Plants’, which is an arty documentary i suppose about experiments done on plants to check their consciousness levels. entertaining and great music but lost my focus here or there.

then, we went around the corner to this bar to play darts and my ex was there. on my way out she grabbed my arm and said ‘hey’ to which i said ‘hey. we’re heading out’ and she said ‘that’s what i figured’ and so i said ‘alright, well you have a good night then’

6 minutes later she emails me to say ‘please let me have this bar, i won’t talk to you again if you let me have this bar’

then about an hour later, she calls me from a skype app to pretty much say the same thing. i blocked her phone number so she resorted to that. verrrrry creep. i said "i go there about once every three years. and i’m also moving. anything else?” she said “yes, but no.” and i said “cool, goodnight”

i’m more or less at peace with that and glad it all went the way it did, but it did keep me up at night because it was jostling. got out of bed at 1am and just worked on some stuff until i got tired. now i’m gonna sleep. i friggin hope anyway


mehhhhh couldn’t sleep last night.

I ended up looking at a house today that I really dug. It hits all the markers, honestly. Gonna pull out of the tiny house offer and go in on this one. All so sudden but that’s how this house thing has been the whole way along.

felt super tired and irritable all day. Tried to nap and couldn’t. The main thing for today was trying to learn some longs for the first rehearsal on Thursday and also make sure the rig is working. But, I had to download all the big ass files onto my laptop, and then held me up a ton so I was just stuck moving files between computers.

eventually got them all onto the laptop, so I’ll call that the win for today.



couldn’t sleep again. Ended up doing a crossword at one am and I guess that helped? I dunno. I fell asleep at first for like 30 mins and then awoke to the sound of my roommate and his friend who is staying on our couch indefinitely playing music and laughing. Also, the air smelled of pizza and weed. That smell alone was kinda stirring.

can’t wait to have my own damn house.

Anyway, as shitty as I felt all day, I ended up doing yoga which was surprisingly easy. I need to remember that when I’m tired, for some reason yoga feels easier. Maybe my kind wanders less?

then I messed with the tracks rig and more or less figured it out, but I keep getting this issue with stuck MIDI notes that’s really ruining the whole thing. It’s time to sleep though so I’ll have to fight with it tomorrow and get Sal on the phone.

a little nervous for tomorrow’s rehearsal. Night night


godddd i couldn’t sleep again. i felt so woozy and out of sorts today, i hated it so much.

had the rehearsal with aaron and it was mostly about connecting up the rig and making sure we had a method of getting a good monitor mix into our ears. it really took pretty much the entire 3 hours and then some just to get settled and make sense of everything, then we tooled around with smoke & scowl a little bit.

aaron needs to get used to the drum pad is the main thing - but I also need to hammer down all these keyboard/synth parts which are not totally figured out.

it was kinda stressful but we did end up with a rig all patched up and labeled for monitoring’s sake, and I was able to keep it all plugged in that way so next time we can just roll up and turn it on, basically.

sigh. getting back into show mode is always stressful.

anyway really hoping i sleep tonight (pfffft)



in truth i didn’t really sleep much once again - i mean i slept “enough” but it wasn’t enough to sort of pull me out of this shit streak i’ve been on.

so, feeling better ish but still grogs.

i was unsure if i’d have it in me to do yoga today, but I ended up doing it at night. my roommate and i watched the new rick and morty while i worked on some marketing shiz before that.

after the yoga, my roommate was starting a fire out back so I actually went to hang with him and relax with a beer. decided to just forget the fact I was tired and do whatever felt natural. ideally, i’ll just roll into the nighttime tired af but not thinking “ughhh i hope i sleep”, ya know?

he ended up impulsively ordering a burger and i drove him to pick it up, lmao. i ate palak paneer in solidarity though, before bed.

anyhow. nighters


today i was hoping to work on shitloads of music, but it became kind of a wash, haha…

my friend graci invite me out to the lake with her and a bunch of others, so not long after I woke (though i slept AMAZE) me and my roommate went out there. it was chill and graci had this fake weed thing (it’s like weed but not weed? and it’s legal?) and i tried it. i felt it enough but wasn’t ‘high high’ or anything. after that we went to an open house with michael because he thought it could be a contender in his house hunt.

that was fun and funny in itself but i was getting so tired! when i finally got home, i pretty much made a weird lunch/dinner at like 4pm and then tried to work on music. every bone in my body was like ‘stop, stop stop, rest’ so i laid down and ended up napping for a half hour. never fucking happens. I felt so languid after that that all I wanted to do was watch youtube.

it was then that i rediscovered justinrpg and chris chan. ever heard of those people??? quite a trip if you’re in for a bizarre-ass google.

i did the crossword and read up on aphex twin. weird day but i’m trying not to feel guilty. night night (it’s 10:30pm)


last night, my roommate and the friend that’s currently staying on our couch (for way too long) came home at 4am and decided to blast vinyl extremely loud for just 30 minutes? i was able to fall back asleep after that and actually had a great night’s sleep, but I ended up berating him for it the next day. i mean, it was patently rude as fuck??? he knew it

anyway, did the errands with michael which is always nice. then i went to coffee with my friend natalie which was also so good. it gave me a few thoughts actually. we were sitting in this half second floor half mezzanine type thing where the windows were letting in a lot of natural light from east nashville. i just remember how fucking idyllic i used to think shit like that was and how i yearned for it. i just wanted moments like that for my whole life when i was like 20. now i’m getting them?

i really wanted to reclaim that youthful overly artsy appreciative eye. i used to make music about that vibe all the time, and i want to again in some ways. at least extract that feel.

this is sooooo fucking flowery and nonsense so far, lmao.

anyhoo i got back home and practiced my music a bunch for this next show - coming along a lot better actually. I pretty much know everything now, with competence, and Facebook is not as hard anymore.

did yoga. felt great.