8/16/2021 - 8/22/2021


today was p fuckin’ nice. there’s this band called under the rug that i’d worked with in the past - in fact, casey, the singer, was on my now hiatus’d podcast back in the day.

they were all in town, so we just hung out and talked forever and listened to music. i actually showed them two of the new tunes - ‘time to give up’ and ‘patient role’.

super easy to hang and get to know them, tons of laughs and convo. we technically ended up playing a bit of music at the very end of the night, though a lot of the conversation revolved around my nerves when it comes to collaborating and why I seem to never do it.

actually, on that point, i technically did release a remix today. haha. i had made this so long ago, I think in October - so it had totally exited my mind. but it was a remix of safari room’s “young water”. friends of mine and local to nashville as well. we’re actually playing mercy lounge together on 11/13…if that ends up happening.

anyhow, here’s the freshest version of “time to give up”, as promised.


today i set up internet for the new house. i’m hesitant to set up utilities because the appraisal isn’t back yet, and i feel like there might still be a wrench awaiting me. i mean, that’s been the pattern so far.

that all being said, I need to just keep acting like this house is imminent, as it appears to be. i need to proceed as if it’s happening and provide all of the necessary documents, do all the things, set up all the stuff, etc. otherwise, i’ll just be in a weird unprepared state.

anyhow - before that i went on a walk with my roommate. it really wiped me tf out.

got back and was gonna hang with under the rug but was real tired. made dinner and watched a youtube video about lost media. anyone out there enjoy that shit?? gets me going! check out “a day with spongebob squarepants”. shit is so interesting to me

also ate thai food, flippantly. so i had two dinners? yoloooo

anyway, i was gonna set up some ticketing for the 5 spot show coming up in september, but i’m kinda waiting to hear back from the venue for if I can even do that.

it’s already 10 and i’ve vowed to move my bedtime earlier, so i should probably stop doing work even though there’s like 8 things on my mind that i wanna do. maybe one more crossword then sleep.


today was nice. met up with Ben from smart objects to talk about how we’re gonna make this show happen. it’s interesting, i’m usually the one that’s the most rarin’ to go when it comes to shows. but i’ve been so unconfident and nervous about playing these new songs in this new setup - and i’ve been skeptical the show will go on in the first place because of covid shit - and i’m buying a house - so i’ve been hesitant to put money, time, or energy down on the dang thing.

anyway, him wanting to make it happen riled me up a bit which was good. we got a good plan down and he showed me this amaaaaazing new smart objects song, holy hell. i can’t get it out of my head and i’ve only heard it one time which is pretty crazy.

got some optimism for this show now but we’ll see. ben is such an inspiration!


today was really great. i was at the brewery all day with graci and michael to work on stuff which is always fun. they have $3 beers until 5pm!! what the hellllllll. deal of the cench

anyhow, after that i stopped and got sushi at publix - which was not the deal of the cench - as well as some ingredients for aaron before heading to his place. he needed to tie up dinner and stuff.

got to him, he made dinner for him and chloe, i ate sushi, and then we got into practice.

AND damn.

we finally nailed a practice!! everything felt absolutely amazing and we were very confident. that really set me straight about this show. phew.

we have another practice this sat, and then we have three practices with the guitarist - so we will be in perfect shape i think.

now i’m getting excited.


blecrrhhhh didn’t sleep well but not trying to let it get me down to bad.

did yoga in the afternoon - yoga is the craziest thing. it’s like a little pill, or something. i don’t usually love to do it, but i know it will make me feel so amazing once i get through it. espesh if you do it in the morning. you really feel it all day.

then, went to get indian food with dear friend michael - he vowed that this place was the best indian food he’s ever had. holy shit, i agree. it was insane. the paneer tikka masala was untenable!! i ate the whole thing and the naan. christ.

after that we went to my friend Ryan’s house to help him mix a song which was actually really fun. we were able to improve it a lot just poking around at stuff. was tired the whole time. need to remember to always call ryan when fun shit’s going down, i always forget him

anyway, gonna sleep very hard.


SLEPT VERY hard. love that.

got back into a practice with aaron today just to make sure we we’re smooth for the ones with our guitarist starting next week. we are smooth! it’s amaze. there are just a few things i need to do to make sure we’re totally ready.

one of those things is just tweaking this tracks session volume wise to make sure it’s not too jumpy throughout. we don’t want to be sending a sound guy a bass track and have it spiking and reducing in volume the whole show, that kinda thing.

after getting home from that I begrudingly made some rice. i didn’t crave it at all but i had all the stuff for it and needed to save the money.

after that though, i drive through cookout to get some milkshakes and then went to michael’s house and watched him play the last of us 2 for like 4 hours. i was pumped about it. yesterday, i told him that if he ever wanted company playing video games, i’m obsessed with watching them. idk why, i like watching way more than playing, most of the time. the game was amazing as well, i hadn’t seen any of it before and it was pretty friggin impressive.

anyway, i hope i sleep hard ‘cause it’s laaaate


despite the lateness, i did p good last night.

did the errands with michael, a classic as always. after getting home, i realized i had legit like 9 hours to do whatever i wanted. i couldn’t remember a stretch of time that was freer than that in a long while

so, i worked on music a bit. i updated “patient role” into something much “better” i think? just tweaked some mixing a bit, added this bottle clank sample and also added this chopped and screwed ending which is interesting.

i was mostly looking for a way to use this reharmonization work i did on the song, but could never get it to fit. this feels like it fits now.

other than that, went for an hour long walk and did yoga. i did work on that other weird song i started a while back, but not quite ready to share…

anyway! tomorrow.