8/23/2021 - 8/29/2021


today i mostly had to do some last minute work for the robocall live performance. it’s interesting, with this new setup we’ve severely reduced the roles we normally occupy. usually i’m playing a sampler, keys, guitar, and sining - but now i’m just playing keys and singing. aaron used to play keys WHILE drumming (insane), backup vocals as well.

so it’s more parsed down and we feel kinda naked, but we figure we would get settled in with this ‘easier’ role first. with robocall i realized i hadn’t given myself enough to do keys wise - so i had to find some other stuff in the recording to play (various key/synth parts), program them on the synth module, learn parts while singing, etc. Thinking i’m good except for that stupid riff at the end that’s hard to play on keys because it’s so jumpy

anyway, handled that but also talked to my family for an hour which was actually nice. i usually have trouble with that for some reason

it looks like i really am closing on a house on 8/31 and moving in on 9/1.

ps, here’s a clip from when i finally got facebook down pat on synth



Jeeze today I was on the phone all day. I talked to my ex/friend Katie about some stuff which was honestly p good. I feel kind of awkward about it sometimes though. Idk, it’s nothing she doesn’t know about.

that aside I had my production call with Aaron and we dig into the new “patient role” which I was actually surprised he liked so much. So that was validating.

I thought these songs would be quick boos but I’m really digging in. I’m excited to finish this record and release it all as singles. Of course you’ll be able to dig into the full rec early tho.


Had our first full band practice! Went so good. We played emulator, robocall, Mickey Mouse James dean, and 6 foot fences. Robocall was hard for everyone (namely guitarist) but we’re making it happen fo sho.

I was stupid tired today and I hope I sleep well.


i did.

I did sleep well. 8+ hours!!

today was just about packing up some stuff ahead of this move. This weekend is wide open for me and my one roommates on vacation while the other one’s working a lot. So, I’ll kind of have the house at my disposal to pack stuff up and load up the living room, etc.

packed up all my clothes and just left the 5 outfits I’d need between today and move in.

did yoga to xtc, god I love that band.

I can’t wait to get into this house and just dig 3x into music. You all deserve it. Thank you for always being here…


slept kinda eh. I didn’t know what plans I had for today before it became what it became, but I ended up calling it a wash. Worked pretty hard and got wiped out.

I actually ended up making a budget sheet for my roommate (he’s younger). We were able to project out his potential income for the next year. Making spreadsheets is so incredibly fun for me for some reason.

after that, watched him play bloodborne. Called it a night


Slept great and woke up to take my roommate to buy a laptop. Hahah. He was planning on it for a while but obviously we had just done the budgeting stuff so he felt enabled to drop a big chunk. Happy for him

after that I was on a couple phone calls - both with music friends. One of them was chatting with Ben from smart objects, who I’m playing the show with on September 11th.

while on the first call I spilled water all over my desk and ruined my computer keyboard. Some water got on my behrginer neutron and sp-404, but I think those are alright. Should all be fine but it stressed me out for sure.

did yoga and then went to my new house to pick a package up. They did some repairs. I had the conscious thought that I loved the spot so much.

picked up amazing Indian food and went to Michael to eat and watch him play the last of us 2. Entertaining.

michael and I ended up talking a bunch, was quite intriguing and actually put me into some feels. Drove home to self titled dirty projectors at 1am.


Blechhh horrible night of sleep.

Today was so busy, too. Did the errands with Michael which involved a couple new stops. I got Two computer keyboards for $26!! Insane

After that I went to the smart objects studio to shoot some promo stuff which went better than I expected. Also, it felt good to get something legit done even though I was so tired

got home and made rice for dinner. Watched my roommate play bloodborne while collecting the video stuff and making some ads. Going to be early…