8/30/2021 - 9/5/2021


today was just about packing. i hate it so much, i feel like packing is just an endless game of finding loose items and getting stressed about what to do with them. and then all of a sudden every box feels too small or the wrong size or something. And then you have shit overflowing out of boxes kind of haphazardly and you’re like “i’m probably doing this wrong”

anyway, got a good start there. really good start actually. tomorrow i’m theoretically buying a fucking house, but the next day i’ll be moving (again if all goes according to plan). so, pack a bunch tonight, a little tomorrow, and then it’s all about just taking the things, puttin’ ‘em into a truck.



bought a fuckin house.

ps - you’re supposed to send the money the day before. didn’t do that and ended up running around right after signing papers

anyway, it’s not all that crazy of a feeling. my key is pink and says princess on it with little studded diamonds. not ever gonna change it

i sat on the floor and called the electrical company. i also gingerly pulled on the blinds in my studio room and they fell down immediately and cut my hand. gotta secure that but otherwise all looking amaze.

tomorrow i’ll send a tour vid!


ahhhh. move-in day was all in all very smooth, but move-in days in general are crazy.

it always sucks so much to find that ONE last thing in your house that you gotta move and you just totally have no place for it, and then you end up with 23 random loose items and it just stresses ya out.

aaron, the drummer of bp/co-producer of fantastic wrist helped me all day, bless him. we ended the day eating banh mis while listening to hail to the thief by radiohead, and then drinking this super neat pickle ish beer.

slept like shit last night, hope to sleep better tonight…in the new houseeeee. crazy feeling.


slept fine, just not enough…very grumpy today. i woke up and did some unpacking and cleaning before eventually getting to target right when they opened at 8am. peaceful place when it’s not swamped with soccer moms. dropped $250 unwhittingly on the kitchen and bathroom basics - and ya know, a trash can, all that. cups. silverware

could not focus all day. had an electrician come to quote me out on grounding some outlets and said $1,500+ which is ridicuous. called around some more and secured something for less than half that, with more work done. i like

unfortunately will have to wait until next friday to get the work done, but i think using the outlets as long as it’s not during a thunderstorm, i’m good. so i’ll make it through.

i’m not stressed per se, but just not getting a second to make sure this house is all set up. dying for that! need to furniture shop this weekend. excited for it tbh. i need a pull out couch.

i’ll get you that video soon! we’re almost to the point of music utopia…i have no idea what i’m going to get into first!




i shopped around all morning and afternoon for a variety of things - and got ‘em.

then it was mostly about more house setup.

I’m afraid to use my ungrounded outlets on any of the musical equipment so I’ve been resisting setting up my whole studio, but I’ve been playing acoustic guitar instead I think.

it doesn’t entirely feel good though, I’d like to get better at it.


more running around all morning, this time with Michael. I think we did errands until like 4:30pm.

I also did yoga which was great on the hardwood floor.

my desk arrived for my studio, and it’s incredible. So I spent time putting that together and honestly feeling quite sad. So I listened to why? Records the whole way through.

jealousy and loneliness, especially combined, are a very shitty concoction. It only makes me want to cause trouble.

made some din and am betting I wont sleep easy tonight