7/5/2021 - 7/11/2021


last day in the studio. Finished the record

the record is honestly incredible (not mine - Cassidy’s - the one I put synths on). Pumped to show you it because it’s pretty fantastic wristish. It went through the same process of a hyper artists concept, Aaron’s coproduction, and my synths


today was solid. I packed up some orders, ate some ice cream, And then caught up with my college friend Ian who is in town.

we went more or less down the street to this bar called LA JACKSON WHICH IS ON TOP OF THIS SUPER TALL HOTEL. It’s a nice spot if not totally bougie

we we’re talking about how sacred our friend group has become. It really has.


man, ever since I was in the studio working on Cassidy’s record, it’s been one thing after another - and it’s gonna keep up that way. Today I went record shopping with Ian (got veckatimest by grizzly bear), played trivia at this bar, and then did yoga. Tomorrow I’m going on vacation to my friend’s beach house. It’s all been non stop, and none of it has been BP stuff which always stresses me out.

it’s funny because it’s basically a week and weekend of fun, but I choose to feel stressed rather than relieved. Honestly, it’s always my problem.

I may not keep up tightly on the entries in the next few days due to vacation but I hope to share whatever emotive Musings that strike me.

note for later - I want to talk about how my ex makes me view the world. A prompt for later

7/8/21 - 7/11/21
