6/28/2021 - 7/4/2021


mannnnn. slept well!

i wasn’t able to get much work done today because i decided to be social after yoga. my housemates went to the 5 spot for motown monday, and pretty much we danced around and had literally a couple beers.

it made me think a lot about tempo. and how short i am.

and also, i ended up walking away with some songs i found to be hella awesome/interestingly recorded:

Leaving home - eddie holland
ramblin gamblin man - The bob seger system
Jenny Take a ride - Mitch Ryder & The detroit Wheels
New orleans - gary U.S. bonds

we got wendy’s on the way home. reprasent

that aside I did get the live synth patches programmed for mickey mouse / james dean. So that’s goooood.


today was largely about a meeting I had with aaron. As a reminder, we meet every week so I can help him get more music students, and he can help me produce the new record and whatnot.

what was amaze about that was that we hammered down like 6 practice dates ahead of this next show which I’m pumped about. Really takes a load off. We need to get back in the swing of things and situate ourselves with thia new tracks rig

really excited to get stuff working with him so we can shoot some video!

after that I played resident evil village with my roommate. We got to the beneviento house with the crazy ass baby fetus thing in the basement.

wanna know wtf I’m talking about? It’s not for the squeamish!!

going to bed scared


AS for today…

my night was pretty scrunched together. First, I got all my orders packed up. Drove them to the post office, and when i was returning, i saw my ex outside of her apartment and we looked at each other in passing. god.

got home, made some rice, and watched a youtube video about how the jedi way is actually kinda toxic (suppress all your emotions, pretty much??)

I didn't have much time after that, because I ran to get a six pack before my friend Peter came over (he’s the live guitarist for most BP shows). we listened to some music he was working on and i showed him some of my new ones too. was nice.

Did yoga after that and it felt quite nice.

then, we played more resident evil while i drank my night time tea.

my ex ending up emailing me a lot of sad stuff a few hours after i drove past.


tonight’s all about man of medan. ever heard of it? i went to michael’s house with two of his friends (who became new friends of mine) to play it. When we helped shoot his music video several weeks ago (which culminated in a dave & buster’s extravaganza), we bonded and the two of them ended up raving about man of medan.

Well, it turns out one of those friends was moving, so i wanted to hang with them one more time and we suggested we play that game since they were raving about it so hard.

it’s more or less a point and click type game with quick time events - sorta like an interactive movie. I have to say, honestly, i was skeptical i wouldn’t be bored by it, but i got decently into it towards the end and we ended up finishing it within a reasonable amount of time. I was home by 12:30!

Michael also showed me an early edit of the music video he shot, and it was quiiiiite perfect. excited to see it, and i make a cameo (so you’ll see it).

Replied to my ex via email. these things are always so messy and never satisfying. it depresses me to think about, but there’s nothing to do but let it fade. it will never be tied up neatly.

it’s weird week, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to do much music stuff at all for a bit as I enter a vacation soon - so bear with me. You’ll still get my thoughts, at the least


Working on my friend Cassidy’s record with Aaron today. It’s actually the first of four nights ahead where we’re in the studio.

pretty cool actually - I brought my three main synths and a midi interface. Aaron plugged his main studio controller Into the interface, and he can just whatever select we need at the moment. Then I dial in tones for each synth layer needed.

it’s a cool role I didnt think existed honestly. I could see myself doing this for other artists too, though I don’t know how pervasive the need is to dial in synth tones and stuff.

today was mostly about getting settled, but we’re back at it tomorrow


today was another day working on Cassidy’s record, but before I went back to aaron’s studio, I went to a movie about the band sparks with Graci and Michael.

I had never heard of “sparks” before. They’re very intriguing to me. It’s wild that they’d released 25 records, collaborated with Todd rundgren, Giorgio moroder, the go go’s, and franz ferdinand and yet have snuck under the mainstream eye for like 40 years. Wtf???

gonna dig into their music more. Aaron made amazing stuffed peppers


today was about 10 hours in the studio…woah.

doing a lot of work for this cassidy record - there’s a lot of downtime, though. Which is cool. I would actually rather that than being super dialed in all the time.

we got i think 5 and half songs done. All my friends were all hanging out together and having a presumably great time for 4th of july in some amazing weather. had total fomo!!!

this job is paid though, and it is really cool to have a distinct presence on this record that can be attributed to me. that’s neat. i mean, at the end of the day i’m a musician and i want to do music work. but lesson learned - give it a second thought when accepting an extended gig over a holiday weekend.

anyhow, had stuffed peppers again (leftovers). good as fuck.

last day is tomorrow…