11/15/2021 - 11/21/2021


tonight i helped graci make a finance spreadsheet for her music stuff. i was supposed to do yoga afterward, but michael came it was just so nice to talk and drink wine that i ended up skippin it.

felt a little woozy all day today, not a prob though. with the show over I’m excited to get back puuuurely into studio mode for a while.


tonight i met up with my friend greg who is a dj and producer. we played a show together once. he was at the show on saturday and we mentioned we should catch back up, which i was happy to do. so we went to sip cafe, had tea and cookies and chatted for a couple hours. he’s really funny and chill.

he asked me a really great pair of questions - 1. is marriage something you strive for, is it an ideal for you? my answer was no. so, 2. then do you find it important to put emphasis on dating?

man, that really threw me for a loop and actually put me at such ease.

made me realize that my priorities might have been misaligned for a while causing myself to give me expectations i can’t live up to. i’m not interested in marriage at the moment, ergo, i’m not really interested in long term monogamous relationships, ergo…why date? and then, why be upset if you’re not dating?

really settled me down. i told him he gave me such a breakthrough.

did yoga afterwards which was HARD.


tonight i just had to get set up with some emails and marketing stuff, yadda yadda. i dug into that newer song - i guess it’s p old now - and tinkered a little bit on it. i’m really liking it, it’s so defined already.


tonight i shipped out some orders, rearranged my room, and did some yoga. i also caught up with my guitarist at mercy lounge to deliver an ipad he accidentally left behind at the show, which i thankfully scooped up.

not much reaallllly to report, but i’ll have an updated version of ‘cravin’ soon.


tonight i had a DATE night alright??? i watched gilmore girls and ate burgers. tbh i’ve always liked gilmore girls. it’s not anything i ever got sucked into, but any time it was on i found it to be more entertaining/comforting than if it weren’t.

Actually watching it with intent is fun though, there’s a lot to dig into. why the fuck do they talk so fast?? it’s like vaudeville.


last night was probably the only night since i went to ikea that i had a bad night of sleep, and it was ‘cause i wasn’t alone in my bed and i suck at that. so, i’m barely counting it as a miss.

i was able to take an hour long nap which positively resuscitated me, and after that i mowed the lawn - then did yoga while having coffee. somewhat ill advised but i weirdly made it all the way to 2pm without having coffee and then realized it all the sudden.

did yoga to some underground ny rap, it’s proving to be really nice tbh. rap and yoga work weirdly well because the flows are meditative and the beats are repetitive.

after that, went to a friendsgiving with michael at aaron’s house where a small group of some of my best friends were. was so nice and pretty fuckin funny all the time. i was glad to have given most of my saturday over to that, i don’t do it enough.


did the errands with michael this morning, and when i got home i just went all in on this new tune. put in a ton of hours and totally lost track of time which is always a good sign. i have a lot going on with this song now. i've uploaded it to the all songs blog.

it’s far from finished of course and there are some mixing quirks, but overall the thesis statement of this song feels pretty close to perfect to me. finishing it will be a pretty straightforward process I think.

i’m actually writing this before I head to michael’s because we’re gonna pay roller coaster tycoon for a few hours lmao. he’s coming to thanksgiving also.

ps, won’t be writing during thanksgiving