11/8/2021 - 11/14/2021


big ‘olll practice tonight. the last one. things are sounding really awesome, actually. just wait until you see this transition from emulator -> mm / jd, it’s so satisfying.

aaron stayed back after so we could take inventory of all cabling and gear and stuff. this is really so complex now, and you can always keep going…and i intend to. hahah. absolutely insane.

not much to say. we recorded this practice and i have to check out how it turned out. might post a clip of it to show you what’s been going on.


tonight i saw my friends spirit of the bear play at the high watt with michael, kessler, and the lass i’ve been hangin around with. nice night but ended a little strangely. well, not strangely, a little uncomfortably i guess.

sotb keeping coming back to nashville because their manager’s from here, they also signed a record deal i guess. totally skeptical if that will work in any direction, much less in their favor, but wishing them the utmost obviously. they know my thoughts on the matter lmao.

always fun to catch a show. do i like touring??? i think so? hahah. that’s really how it is. it can be so so so taxing and totally wreck you. and be expensive. i would love to get to a place where i just know it can work out. it’s possible but far off.


today was a bit of an odds and ends day, i just had to cook and do yoga and whatever else. but mostly i had to get ready for TOMORROW. michael and i are shooting 3 hours of vid for this idea I had surrounding his album. ya see, i’ve listened to his album about 100 times or something. i love it. and i had this whole concept about how he wrote the record with a whole secret story I don’t think he realized he was writing.

we came up with this concept to basically have me lay out my entire thesis statement of the record with all the supporting evidence, with a whiteboard and everything. it’s kind of like an interview or podcast i guess you could say.

anyways i’ve been writing a script and gathering all sorts of notes for it all this while, and i just wanna make sure it’s officially good. i think it is even though i kept having breakthroughs right up to the last moment. hehe.


today was awesome.

it would be wild for me to explain everything that happened, but basically we spent a few hours setting up the shooting room, shot for 3 hours, and then got indian food. check this out


i also came home and saw that my new line of beanies were delivered, so i hurriedly set up the store and announcement for it…it’s been on the first dibs page for a week though!


night before the show.

i have so much shit to do, and yoga. it’s ridiculous! i always get to this point leading up to the show and discover a million tiny things i forgot to anticipate.

for whatever reason i had to push some stuff off ‘til tomorrow which i hate doing, but such is life.



that show was incredible.

96 people bought ahead of time and 144 showed up! so many. there were three of you that came from out of town - wild - and there was like this group of 40 year old friends who apparently got obsessed like a week ago. they all bought beanies and took a pic with me.

that stuff ^ Never ceases to amaze me. I hope I never get bored of that. i really can’t get enough.



today was errands day and we certainly did it. after the show last night we got drinks at phat bites, it was nice even though i was so tired.

got home at 3am and just unloaded my car into the living room. woke up with it all still there, haha.

slept like shit because i stayed up so late but all is well. i was hoping to nap today but didn’t try. cleaned up the house a bit and actually cracked into this show recording a bit…it came out better than I thought! useful feature.

dunno if i’m gonna release it or whatever but def gonna use it to make a video. I’ll probably post a basic mix of something up here soon!