11/1/2021 - 11/7/2021


last night i hung out with my friend slash lover i guess you could say. we watched gilmore girls and unsolved mysteries and ate scones. honestly really nice. i really go enjoy gilmore girls lmao. it’s a great blend of engaging and kinda cozy background material. also, it’s just kind of a unique show generally. it feels like vaudeville with how fast they talk and how quippy they’re always being. i remember finding it to be so strange but now i see it as kind of creative and interesting. feels like a play a lot of the time.

had a great talk with michael about some shit i needed to get off my chest too.

i’m routinely affirmed that my concept of healthy relationships is spot on. reassuring.


finally worked out the practices scenario for the final ones leading up to the show in a week and a half! feeling so much better assured that we’ll do well.

I also bought a new run of merch - not a ton, something small for now, but it’s up on the first dibs page!

i also had a break through with the aesthetic concept for the next album that I’m pretty sure i’m going to run with. i hope you’ll all love it. you might’ve heard the demo ‘mechanical heartbeat’, and i think that’s probably going to be the title of the record. it just works too well on too many dimensions.

giving me a lot of direction and i’m excited to hunker down post show and really get moving on this next record. been too long since i really dug my heels into it.


tonight i worked on a couple songs - the one called dope seapunk (tentative title definitely lmao) and cravin’. they both feel really spot on for the direction i wanna go next, which isn’t exactly unmarked territory. it’s like sophisticated good weird vibes, maybe. i hope you dig it. when i was making fantastic wrist i thought no one would really like it, because i thought all of y’all were like good weird fans and into quirky bops. so, i didn’t know if you’d be into an extended acoustic magical forest ballad that turns into a psychedelic morose disney soundtrack (ithaca). lmaoaoaoaoa

BUT YOU WERE! which was awesome. so, it’s good to know i can go either direction, really.


today i worked with michael and graci all day at tennfold - pizza/beer spot. always really fun tbh though i wasn’t as productive as usual

i wasn’t expecting to work on music tonight but i found myself digging back into the songs i’ve been working on this week. i didn’t wanna work too late because i also did yoga tonight, but every time i find myself reaching for a synth i feel like i have to let it happen because it’s always such a precious moment. glad i did because this song “Cravin'“ is becoming so beloved for me, really feels like a true bp song. i already can’t wait to play it live and it’s barely written, lmao.


phew, long night tonight of rehearsal and show prep. it’s sounding so cool honestly!! emulator is AMAZING with 6 people, tell you hwhat. the band i have is so incredible and committed, i can’t even handle it. i hope you all come out if you’re able to on 11/13!

aaron and i talked after ward about all of the cabling and routing we’d need to make the show work, blah blah blah. it took so long. we realized that at the end of the day, we’re trying to do the biggest show yet - so everything after this will feel easy and we’ll be fully set up to handle anything. we were also talking about how the mantra of this band is always over-doing stuff, which makes sense, hah.

the other thing is just all the laughing and good times that’s always happening when we’re playing. that is so crucial. one thing i realized is just how fulfilling and “accurate” to my mode of life playing music is. i forget and all the time, and am reminded all the time. I’m nervous for the turnout of this show, but i guess i’m doing everything i know how to do.


i had a wide open day today so i spent some time hanging with my two friends, which i almost didn’t do. i forced myself to because i’ll truly work forever if not - or believe that i am anyway, just alone

handled a lot of crucial advertising stuff for the show this sat. feeling a lot better about drawing attention to it tbh. this always happens, i get a little stressor and it kicks me into action. good mechanism i think.

i’ve been working on some stuff for a video michael and I are gonna shoot where i basically analyze his album for like an hour, should be really funny and fun. i’ve listened ot it a million times and truly love it so it should be a really awesome thing when all’s said and done.

saw my friend charley play a show and was surprised to see that my keyboardist cassidy was also playing at it! wild because it was 30 mins out of town. that was real fun.

slept so good last night


MAN. today was awesome. such a crucial day of music stuff. i did the errands with michael for like 4 hours - took forever but there was a lot to be done. got some cabling and a mic clip for the show since i have a practice tomorrow.

when i got home i worked on some minor tracks stuff we encountered at the last practice, so i fixed that all up. no prob. facetimed my parents which was honestly great? my family is really awesome tbh, i can’t ever forget that. i hope they find me to be positive and healthy in their life. i’d think so, but you can’t really be the judge of your own effects.

after all that, i worked on music - and hoooooly shit. i had a breakthrough with cravin’ where I added this quasi verse. don’t think it’s really anything noteworthy to share that would be different from what’s already uploaded, but stay tuned. that really got me going

I also perused some of the older tunes that i was falling out of love with, and really like them a lot after all. i cleaned up the sessions a bit

AND then i realized i nearly have an album’s worth of stuff??? and there’s a potential tracklist already and it has a nice flow and mild concept to it? i’m like so relieved i’m this close, i truly thought i was so far off. i think this will be done way sooner than i thought, like before the summer 2022. i really hope so anyway.

on fire about it!!