5/23/2021 - 5/29/2021


today was real nice. i think i got 9 hours of sleep, which is ridiculous. i’ve been feeling the benefits of that all day. hit up my errands, sans michael. chatted with klypi who was at the coffee shop i go to every sunday. check out their music, btw. they have a song called cum quick then die. ahahahah.

then, i got thai food with my housemat and we went record shopping. i got a Yazoo ‘situation’ single and some weird 1/100 pressing from nashville local Alanna royale. so weird that i had to buy it.

then, i shot the video for the printerville signup page (you know the one). that was a load off. worked on that song more…trying to reign in these wild chord progressions. it’s honestly kind of ridiculous how the impetus for all of these songs was ‘take it simpler!’ and they’re becoming so dense and like not chill. lmao.

i mean i’m not complaining!

attached is the song i’ve been talking about all week. be warned, this is pretty fuckin early/messy. but you’ll be hearing everything i’ve been talking about in the days past.


jeeze, today was such a work day - i can’t even remember what all I did.

part of it was finishing up the Printerville vid, which is done and uploaded. praise. otherwise, we had this show planned for 8/6 that needs to get rescheduled, which is a nightmare coordinating amongst so many peeps. it settled on 8/20 which my guitarist can’t do, most likely. sad, but we can get someone to fill in on guitar the most easily. having bass and drums secured is great, and I have another friend i can call, so we’ll see if it actually books…

anyway, in anticipation of that show, we’ve been setting up the show - which is a task that we’re well ahead of…or are we??? just realizing it’s a little less than 3 months away :(

running into hella tech issues. ableton isn’t even letting me export things. so, been fighting with that all night. but, i think i figured out what was happening with it and got it fixed. but, it’s 11pm and i don’t have time to try it the ‘right’ way one last time now that i fixed some things. gonna try it tomorrow, and if it doesn’t work, there are other ways to accomplish it…so we’ll see.

when it hits 11pm, i have to force myself to stop. i’ll go all night, seriously. and the tasks are endless! i rigged up a new task management board to keep me sane.

i’m a workholic, truly - about BP, i mean

anyways, intentionally to break up the sort of nonstop brain i had going tonight, i went live on instagram and it was actually so nice??? (maybe you were there). that was actually weirdly helpful for me.

with shows, marketing, site maintainance, recording songs, merch…there’s so much. it’s not out of my capabilities or anything, and i wouldn’t have it any other way…i do outsource where it’s absolutely crucial. gotta remember that.

anyway, this was a ramble. love you all


today i rigged up a spotify ad. meh. it’s just something to try out. i put very little emphasis on spotify, but i figured i’d try something new in case it worked really well.

other than that, i got ready to send out the email that may have delivered you to reading this >:) Printerville is finally finished! it took about 10 hours to build from the ground up, which is actually not too bad. if you read back through all the journals and wound up here on the same day you were able to get in, then…hey. that’s kinda wild hahehhhhh

ALSO, i finallllly figured out what was going on with Ableton not being able to bounce all of these crazy fantastic wrist sets. it was just a hard drive space issue. duhhhh. so, now i’ve been able to export them and i’m not pissed off about it anymore - they still take literal hours, but they’re working.

i chatted with Aaron for two hours about his music biz type thing. he’s an instructor on top of being a player, so he has students and whatnot and we were talking about how he can grow his student base. it was actually a mega fun convo.

ended the day with yoga, which i just finished - and now i’m typing this. gotta fold my laundry though. blech.

goodnight 🌝


yesterday, my roommate and i went to sushi for dinner. we had it on the calendar a few days in advance, so. it was realllll good. i actually ran into someone i knew there, and my roommate said “100% of the time we go out to eat, you know someone randomly here”. We’ve been out two times. still 100%

that’s a joke but it’s also interesting to blend back into the non covid dynamic. i mean, are we really nearly there?? i’d assume the responsible thing is still to be tepid about it all. i mean, i’m masking etc, but it feels soooo weird to see maskless people at the grocery store all of the sudden. i wonder when the sea change will really set in.

other than that, we watched “invincible” which i actually quite enjoyed. let me know if you saw any of that.

this week has been about exporting these ableton files, which is taking HOURS. last night i had to leave my interface and computer on overnight to finish processing, and i’ll have to do that tonight for Emulator as well.

hope i can sleep, i stayed up too late which messes with me.


yuhhhhh. didn’t sleep well :( the Bane of my existence! but, i’m pushing through okay. this is kinda gonna be a boring one. all i really did today was mow the lawn and start “the boys”. other than that, my computer’s been tied up exporting mickey mouse / james dean. it’s 173 tracks, and i started the export at noon. it’s currently 11:15pm, and it’s at 79%. at this rate it’s gonna be done at 2am.

WHY DO I make these songs!!!

These studio journals are a good exercise. i really hope they can slowly become a place that’s conversational and personal. i figure that’s the worth in this kind of thing. i mean, transparency and letting you see behind the curtain a bit is cool, but i figure it’s neater if this is evolving on a daily basis. right?

i truly cherish you all. good night


today was a hang day with my friend alex, aka safari room. if you’re really into smoothed out indie rock like death cab or local natives, check ‘em out. “look me up when you get there” was the soundtrack to a blooming relationship of mine in september 2020, and then it crashed and burned.

how’s that for a start???

i mean, “Crashed and burned” implies a certain immediacy. i just wasn’t treated well at all but infatuation clouded me from seeing that. i’m sure many of you have had that unfortunate experience as well…anyway.

i met up with him just to catch up generally and see what’s going on with his music and how i might be able to help him get the word out. also, we might be playing mercy lounge this november, but tbh the booking agent that asked us is kind of a skeevy weirdo? so we’re not holding out breath. plus, we could book that show pretty easily ourselves.

it was a very nice hang, alec and i are kind of similar characters, you could say. we’re both workaholics and won’t stop working on our music projects. we really feel like it’s our lives. we joked about how we could only really date lawyers or doctors because they would be as preoccupied and wrapped up in their shit as we would be, which honestly sounds nice. idk.

i crave companionship and feel compelled to not get involved with it all the time. i can’t imagine the type of person that would see my life and know they could integrate into it in a way that behooves both me and them. (have you heard my music)?

anyway, love. talk tomorrow


today was the first day in so long where i just went with the flow and had fun. i woke up early to help michael shoot his Kytoon video at 9am, which involved a ton of footage being shot from a camera attached to my car. WHICH was pretty friggin cool. today he’s doing green screen stuff to complete all the shooting.

once the shooting was done though, we beat guitar hero. there were three other friends with us that were helping during the shoot that stayed through the gh session. in the middle of it, our friend graci said ‘did you know jesse is also great at ddr’ to which there was incredulousness. so i immediately said, ‘let’s go to dave n busters right now.’ and everyone was like ‘sure’ so we actually did that.

spent some time playing games at dave n’ busters including this fucked virtual reality terminator game that was fucked. it made you feel like you were speeding in a car even though you weren’t moving. cray.

ended the day eating bratwursts at bavarian bierhaus and laughing a lot.

seriously the first day where it felt like everything just rolled into the next and there was no questioning ‘if i should be working right now,’ etc. need more of this