9/27/2021 - 10/3/2021


god…slept awesome. and was still up at a reasonable hour to have a normal morning which felt great.

AND…i fixed the fucked mower!! which means now i have two mowers. which is not necessary, but is actually helpful because i can trade them out for wear and tear, or have a friend come by and doubleteam the lawn if it’s really stressing me out. that was big.

after that, michael and mick and i went to see serengeti at exit/in. one of my favorite rappers of all time. he is such a character. he was playing beats on an ipod classic and just being so self-deprecating and fidgety about the whole thing. was amazing. bought two vinyls from him…well technically three because i hit him up afterward for another. oops. i know how beaten down he feels though and i was glad to gas him up, espesh monetarily.

got to talk to him afterwards and he knew me from instagram which was cool. he’s really nice in person. it seemed miraculous that he booked a show here at all, much less that people came out and it went alright. truly. inspiring too. he just does whatever he wants and hasn’t stopped for like 20 years. i wonder where i’ll be in 10 more…


today i got situated hanging up some art in the studio space and also just setting up some marketing stuff for BP. this week is all about random tasks because i’m going to visit fam this weekend. i’m mostly trying to get the show set up so that the band members aren’t held up by me and can start practicing ASAP if they want.

kinda feel gross today, unsure why. not super happy. ended the day doing yoga to primus’ ‘pork soda’ which was weirdly great??? lessons learned.


tbh, this is gonna be a boring entry. i empted up bouncing MIDI files for my keyboardist cassidy, but then also got set up with maintsage which is an apple program. it basically allows you to rig up tons of synth and realistic sounds for your keyboard, and it’s gonna be the main way that we get cassidy set up to play the keys part. actually, i guess i can show you a vid of me working with that to get tetris set up.

other than that, i spent most of the night setting my house up to leave tomorrow - just cleaning, packing, etc. honestly took so long, i didn’t expect it. i’m ready to be done with this show prep situation…it’s so much work, it’s making me realize how not worth it shows can often be.



today i drove to charlotte which took 7 hours. i always get wendy’s on the way over, it’s like the one time i do it.

i was listening to the dissect podcast about beyonce’s lemonade and it was interesting enough, though i have to say i don’t give a fuck about the album after ‘don’t hurt yourself’ at least so far.

also talked to my ex for like 3 hours. i think we realized that she was comin’ in a little hot with this proposition to get back together right on the heels of me breaking up with the other ex. we decided i probs need to settle into singlehood for a few months.

idk what it is, i feel like i can’t get anyone to like or notice me, but once you do, i’m apparently very sought after. funny!!!

anyway, going to bed






got back from vacation!

really not a lot to say here because i drove for 7 hours during it. but, i got home and a 10 unit effects rack awaited me. i ordered this to help accomodate the ever-growing live rig. it’s getting pretty crazy but in 3 weeks every last piece will be in order…finally.

so, i had fun migrating out of the 6 unit rack and into the 10 unit while listening to serengeti’s “quail”.

other than that, tied up a bunch of stuff in the house that awaited me - unpacked, yadda yadda. i also on the trip listened to the dissect podcast about beyonce’s lemonade. it’s definitely a good album though i don’t know how amped it gets me, except for ‘don’t hurt yourself’. wild song.

nonetheless it inspired me to check out some of the film counterpart which was p entertaining, though i didn’t finish it because it was late. had me thinking about my own ideas for videos…i want desperately to get back into making this record, but i’m so swamped with show prep stuff. next few days will be all about that so i’m sure you’ll catch wind of some of it.