9/20/2021 - 9/26/2021


today i finished bouncing all of the practice tracks for the band. Still a few things to go, like getting midi files for cassidy (keyboardist), but i was so not in the mood to do it, i had to force myself to not. so, i vaguely cleaned a little bit and went through art that i want to eventually hang up.

also did some yoga which felt so good. i did it to michael’s album, and then two of graci’s albums.

also, a fruit fly problem is burgeoning and i’m pissed about it. so that’s becoming a full time mitigation thing

anyway, tonight was weird. sometimes living alone gets to you.


tonight i talked to aaron for like 3 hours about our live rig and the plans for this show. we got it all hammered out. there’s not much to talk about, but basically we have the live rig Finally figured out and it’s literally taken us years of research to understand! it’s always so fun talking about that shit

for this show, i’m gonna be playing guitar, synth, and doing vocal effects. i think it’ll be a really cool way to just freak out.

now i gotta make sure people come. lmao.


i couldn’t sleep for shit last night, and it positively depressed the hell out of me. it had been raining for the past several days so i wasn’t able to do the lawn, and today it finally broke and got sunny so i decided to try the new mower.

instantly fucked it up by not putting the oil in it!!! i won’t even get into how that happened but it was not my intention. i wasn’t ignorant to the need for oil, but it was not clear that it was empty.

that really pissed me off.

tonight it was the plan to watch a scary movie at crate’s house (my old house) but graci had to bail as well as another friend, so it was me, crate, and michael and we decided to just watch rick and morty instead. i was so tired and pissed off and couldn’t get my mind off the mower.

anyway, it was fun to hang over there and we had a laugh and good times. i’m so fuckin tired but i’m so stressed about the mower i dunno if i’ll sleep.


Woke up and immediately bought a mower and mowed that shit. My stress level has been mitigated af

that aside, did some yoga and then went to Franklin to visit my friend Corrin. It was a nice time, not too much to divulge tho.


I’m sleepyyyyy

i actually mowed some more though. I’m totally see how people become lawn people tbh.

after I did a buncha chores, I had the best night I’ve had in a long time. I took all the new gear and set it up in the studio room which involved a lot of rearranging, and doing a wire job involving like 30 cables.

did it all while listening to this podcast called “how did this get played” and it was seriously so blissful. I can’t remember having more fun than tonight. I went so late into the night, until like 1:30.

it was a weird reminder about what I enjoy about my life and who I am. Truly a profound moment I didnt expect to encounter. I will remember it for so long! I can’t wait to use it and have the house finally set up 100%.


I woke up and mowed Michael’s lawn. Haah. It was kinda fun. After that I went home and intended to do yoga, but it was later than I expected and I was so hungry. After that I had a tea scheduled with my good ex because tbh she wants to get back together. I don’t really think I wanna do that but we do have good times and are friendly and calm, so. I’m so iffy on it all and feel compelled to try other things. I told her as much and we had a frank convo.

Ended up having a great time getting a beer afterward though, which was enlightening to me…

after that I picked up Indian food and went to Michael’s to watch him play the last of us 2 while his cat nested herself on me. Love it

living room.jpg


did the michael errands as allllways

took forever! but was fun and worthwhile. when i got home i mowed the lawn and hung up some pictures using the new frames i got while out. i also put up this wooden display shelf thingy for vinyls, which is really cool to me. gift from sister. i’m pumped to display like the 4 albums of the moment that are really inspiring me. pic attached.

gonna rotate out the albums based on what’s really hitting, I think it could be cool. when dave longstreth was making the self titled dirty projectors album, he always had three portraits surrounding his desk - there’s a pic with joni mitchell, missy elliot, and beethoven. i always thought that was cool as fuck. think it might have the same effect.

that pretty much took all day, and then i did yoga.