9/13/2021 - 9/19/2021


today was so crazy busy.

i’ve been skipping yoga ever since i last did it on thursday - skipped sat and was supposed to today, but i instead got caught up building tons of furniture. a table, 4 chairs, and a bed frame. i’ll send an updated house tour soon!

whenever i start skipping yoga, i know my life got knocked off balance. gonna sound a little vapid but visually i’ve felt more attractive than i ever have in my life, and part of it is sticking to yoga so regularly. it scares me to potentially lose that! i mean, good habits are great so i’m grateful i care about it. habits are hard to break whether good or bad.

mega tired all day once again. i can’t get a right night’s of sleep these days

happy to get all this furniture done. i truly now have all the major things figured out in this house - there are always going to be odds and ends, but in terms of the functional items to survive on a day to day basis, i’m finally settled.

getting very close to being able to make music uninhibited. got the electrical in the music room redone!


super productive all day, but not for music’s sake. well, i guess in a way. i was backed up on some BP stuff (including these entries) which i finally got caught up on. other than that, i’m realizing how endless the chores list has become with owning your own house and living alone in it. it’s not necessarily something i’m lamenting, just something I’ve got to get organized and sorted so that i can make plenty of space for music.

went to the 5 spot tonight to watch a show with graci and michael. really nice and the first act, georgia english, reminded me of courtney barnett, cheekface, and the silver jews.

ended the night talking to michael in my house for a bit.

again things are weird over here, but can’t talk about it. i’ll write about it, though. hopefully i finish that song i wrote on acoustic guitar last week soon.


had to record a ton of video for some other obligations today, really wiped me out.

as a result i have a lot of vid gear up - a camera, mic, and a boom light - obstructing the hallway. it’s no problem just it just throws off my sense of ‘defaultness’ - espesh because I can’t take it down until tomorrow. Mayyyyybe I’ll get into some music tomorrow? I still have a lot of admin stuff to do to get setup for the next show - mercy lounge on 11/13. I want to involve two more band members so that gets a touch tricky. There is one piece of gear that would more or less solve rehearsal probs which i may get into ahead of our first rehearsals.

anyway. i do want to get back into recording and writing - and actually, i want to get into some video stuff too. Would be so easy! I have everything i need. i gotta get used to having time, space, and full capability. no more excuses, just need to put it down and stick to it now. liberating

anyway, spent the night with my ex getting dinner, it was nice - not sure what to do with all of that, neither does she. been feeling weird about romance all around these past couple weeks. ps, not the bad ex, but on that point, the bad ex -did- email me saying ‘i’m sorry but i miss you’ which just depresses the hell out of me. nothing to do but ignore it, unfortunately.



tonight my friends spirit of the bear were in town, because they were playing mercy lounge. to be honest i had totally forgot, but then saw it pop up in my notifications. i actually didn’t wanna go, i really wanted to stay in to handle some shit. but as it got closer to show time i realized i was fine with hanging a bit longer. so i invited michael and we caught ‘em. got to hang in the green room which is always fun.

they did very good as usual, and we were all quite chummy. they’re coming back in november which is neat

after that, i went to michael’s house where we drank trulys and just talked, pretty much. he moved into a new house too so we were theorizing how to continue setting it up. also ideated on some videos he wants to shoot that may involve me - one will definitely involve me, actually, at length. i think you’ll love it

again there’s other stuff going on i’ll never be able to talk about that is affecting me in kind of a mild way. i’ve been writing about it in coded language via song, i guess that’s the best you’ll get from me about it.



i was so poised to sleep so well tonight, and then woke up to the alarm i forgot to turn off


so, felt very off all day today. i actually stayed in all day and did a lot of music work. i added prelim lyrics to that acoustic song i started last week, not sure how i feel about it but it’s something i’d say. curious to put it in the computer.

other than that i organized the studio a bit more and did a shitload of research on gear to complete this desk. basically i’m gonna set it up so that everything is permanently plugged in - audio and midi, and it’s really easy to record anything with a quick decision. it’s always been a pain in my ass to record all these external synths because sometimes i gotta pull them out of the closet, dig into bags to find cables - etc. this will totally liberate me from getting locked up with inconveniences. honestly really curious to see how it opens me up.

patchbays are probably one of the most complex simple things i’ve ever encountered. it’s one of those silly things like “accounting loss” versus “economic loss” where the conceptual difference is so so so so easy and small but explaining it and “Getting” it is weirdly a task. there’s a whole list of things like that and patchbays are def one

anyway i’m up way too late which is stupid, and i’d really like to sleep well tn. thanks for being here


hummmmmm. last night i slept like shit as well.

but ya know what? i still did yoga first thing in the morning, before breakfast. it actually went way easier than i would have thought. and, it made me feel way better for the rest of the day. i always objectively know that, but the motivation is at its lowest when you’ve slept like shit. it’s hard to overcome.

anyway, then i went to alec’s house to talk about getting set up for our mercy lounge show on 11/13. drafted up a big ol’ promo plan which was reassuring. we don’t -really- have our work cut out for us too bad which is great. i do have work cut out for me on the front of preparing the band, though. we’re gonna have two guitars, two synths, a bass synth, drums, drum samples, and saxophone!

anyway, tried to nap after that and could not, so eventually started doing some music work. i actually got started on a new idea that i’m really digging, i have a super clear vision of where this thing will go. check it out below. ps, don’t mind the drums - they get all fucked towards the end because of a quantizing issue but you get the general sense. also don’t mind the title, lmao.

got lost in that for a bit which was so nice and reassuring. sometimes it feels like you’ll never have musical ideas ever again, and then you find one.

other than that, i spent $1,500 on music gear (not all at once - to be financed) to finish my studio up and get ready for this show. crazy. like 25 cables, a mixer, a patchbay, a midi interface, and a power conditioner. ridic

other than that, sent the big ol’ email to the band for the show. i always send one inaugural one with a million and a half details in it

after that, went to michael’s new house to play kirby air ride with graci and christian. it was very very fun. had left hand milk stouts and cookies as well. i love hanging out with them all so much, i laugh so hard and smile so wide and there’s never enough to talk about.


did the errands with michael today, they’ve been getting longer and longer but i think it’s because we’ve been adding getting bagels at a mega busy bagel spot to the list.

got home and felt like napping, but couldn’t - though i did sleep great last night.

been bouncing out isolated tracks for the players all evening, it’s been hours. my friend mick was supposed to come over to listen to music a few hours ago but he bailed. typical as fuck honestly and probably the one thing i truly don’t like about him. we had this planned for days. anything you wanna do with him that isn’t his idea and spontaneous has a big risk of flat out not happening. frustrating


that little acoustic song has come a ways, dunno how i feel atm but generally satisfied. check it