my liege…s,

so very sorry for the 3 month lapse in updates - though I’m sure you’ve been in similar boats yourselves. everyone notes “the holidays” as reason for negligence, but perhaps we should instead note it more like “i finally took a break for once, and all it took was my family obligatorily demanding I show up for a bunch of stuff”

that being said, love my family and always have a blast with them. DON’T GET IT TWISTED.

so i had the album release show last month in november, which was slammin’. i got 4 cameras of video and pro audio for the whole thing, so i’ve been chipping away at assembling that together for you. even some old songs in there!

i’ll be deploying that at some point early ‘23…still need to wrangle up the best plan for how to make it available, but as you know you will of course be getting it before everyone else!

after that i had thanksgiving and the holidays - and then i had a trip to CA to visit a friend in the middle of there…so lots of long drives and plane trips. the moments i was home in between those trips, i was preparing for the next one or batching a bunch of instagram posts…so i didn’t have a lot of time to make music.

however i did make 2 weird little ditties on a plane ride that might interest you:

bummer, man

highly doubt these become anything, but enjoy these little stocking stuffers and get a sense of what it’s like when i stumble into ideas….!

well, thanks as always for being patient with me. i hope you’ve been great. in terms of ‘23, here’s what i want to do

  • tour (it’s halfway booked)

  • release the album release show footage

  • fantastic wrist vinyl release

  • haha yeah tape release

  • new shirt design

  • come up with a way to reward you for showing your friends my music

  • and way more.

love and happy new year,


Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly