so friggin busy!


so it’s felt lately like i haven’t been working on music at all since i’ve been in content mode and doing SO MUCH SHIT to prepare for my album release show in november.

but, that’s not true! I have been working on music, at least a little bit. and part of why is because it didn’t even feel like work.

so, me and my friend taylor from blood root started writing a song in 2018, and we totally left it be for literally 4 years. one day randomly a couple months ago she texted and said, “wanna finish that song?” I said yep and weirdly we haven’t lost any motivation at all. it’s really come a long way.

the song is called dialtone, and it’s very unmixed - so don’t be surprised if there are some jumpy volume things and whatnot.

now, as for isolation is the way - i plugged the voice memo into ableton and built a little skeleton around it with MIDI and midi instruments. it’s not the sexiest thing at the moment and where i intend to go with this song production wise is somewhere much more adventurous. but, i’ve grown to enjoy doing this lately to see how the song sounds when it’s just chords and melody.

thought you might enjoy hearing this part of the song making process.

I gotta few songs already started, most of which i feel great about so far. can’t be too mad about that.


Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly