Working on live vids, updated a new song, been terribly sad

alright, first time posting not on a nightly schedule.

i honestly think this is way better. not sure what was wrong with me before, haha, i’m always insecure i’m not doing enough for you!

i’ve got a few things to show off. so first, i went back and redid vocals on mechanical heartbeat, and while i don’t necessarily think they’ll be the final takes, the vibe that these took on compared to last is definitely more in the right direction. there are a few extra things i’d like to do on this too, so that’ll be coming. all in all, i can tell that my ear is getting better.

check the blog article for “mechanical heartbeat” to hear the latest.

that aside, i started mixing the live tracks for “emulator” which we recorded at our last show - and we also got video. I should have 3 - 4 videos from that show! got a lot to work on there. MM / JD is done, emulator next - and then Facebook and Robocall.

You’ll be seeing that video soon.

all that aside…how have I been? truly a wreck. i’m not even joking. i’ve been crying most days for the past several days. i can’t really get into why, but let’s just say i feel like my self worth is plummeting.

don’t worry, i’m getting in with a therapist in just a few days, and i have plenty of people around me who are earnestly lending me an ear and their conversation.

anyway, love you all.

PS the good weird vinyl shipped finally ✨ you’ll be getting it by early January absolute minimum.

Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly