holidays, end of the year, '22 plans, mental health update


the challenging thing for me about printerville is feeling secure and at ease with it. i constantly shift between not doing enough for you, and doing too much and it wiping me out.

i learned in college that stress is a truly detrimental thing and something to avoid. a healthy amount of stress for the sake of self-preservation is natural and good - and it’s not sensible to wipe all stress from your life - but every time you have a stress response, that’s your body taking a bit of a physical toll. so, we’re incentivized to avoid that.

point is, trying to find my balance with this. you being around, and sticking around, and being patient is crucial for me, so thank you.

december opened up with me in a 2.5 week bout of depression (rare for me) and finished with the holidays - so i really didn’t get anything done this month. part of pville is that it’s kind of set up to light a fire under my ass to work on music more so i always have stuff to report here, but i felt bad not mentioning anything here for a while.

did you guys like the nightly entries, or do you think a bigger, ‘when it's relevant’ pacing makes more sense? personally i think the latter.

now again, i don’t have much to share musically, but i have been working on my house like crazy and i’ve been super pumped about how the studio looks. i think this will be an even more inspiring space, now:


the good weird vinyl also came in - it took me 10 hours to package up the 120 preorders, but i put them in the mail a couple days ago and peeps are already getting them which is such a relief to me.

what are my plans for ‘22?

  • new album release

  • new merch line to support that album - shirts, hats, accessories, vinyl, cd

  • fantastic wrist vinyl preorder

  • printer preludes put on CD - hopefully in a box set

  • couple more live shows

  • live video shoots too

  • new photo shoot

  • some key collabs i’m interested in

  • keep tinkering on this printerville situation

  • grow the audience major

  • 2 call in show livestreams i hope

anyway! that’s been my life. remember you can always use the comments section to chat with me!



Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly