The results of a 4-day shut-in

dang dude.

so - first part of this story. a fan sent me literally like 150 THC gummies.


i’ve never done an edible before, and in fact, i was tepid on weed for several years after the first time i tried it when i was 18.

truly only in the past couple of years have I finally found my stride with it and figured out how to hone it into something i enjoy.

with this new stockpile of gummies, and with this last show behind me, i was kind of excited to not leave the house for days and immerse myself in music making - maybe high, maybe not.

I ended up digging very hard into all of my songs - but most likely honing in on Patient Role, Cravin’, and Ever Since You Moved.

now let me recount my journey from monday to today…on monday i took half a gummie and didn’t feel too much. so on tuesday i took a full on and it really knocked me out in a good way. i ended up just honing way in on my songs and listening to them a ton - maybe touching some EQ here or there, maybe adding a little effect or doing some tweaking - but mostly i was intently listening, cleaning a few things up, and just getting all of these ideas.

on wednesday i took another one and tried to implement some of what i discovered the day prior. tbh, it was kind of more of the same.

today though - thursday - i was insane productive (and i was sober). i ended up doing all sorts of effects, production, EQ, and laid down a bunch of guitar and weird filter effects.

i’m interested in how weed can put me in this learning zone, and then when i’m out of it, i can take what i’ve learned and just start cranking things out. really interesting breakthrough for me.

also, got to using this filter that i’ve had forever in the proper way after wiring the studio. now i can bounce tracks through it and then back into the computer. the sort of washy squeaky stuff you hear on the drums in Cravin’ is from that.

anyway - hope you enjoy these three new bounces. this really made me feel like these songs are officially coming together and I know what to do to finish this album up.

Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly