been VERY productive

alright - that streak i was on last post did not let up.

I’ve been addicted to finishing this album and it’s an amazing feeling. it really feels like being 18 again when I couldn’t stop making music, every little idea felt like this endless path to something awesome and weird…

THIS is where I wanna be. BP has always been about that, and for a lot of time it’s been less in my heart. i mean, there’s been no chance of me quitting by any stretch of the imagination - but making fantastic wrist was less playful like that. it was incredible and very spiritual and a lot of cool work, but it didn’t feel like this as much.

this has felt more like a strong lunge into this place i’ve been trying to live in.

dunno if that means this next album is like ‘the’ album or anything, but you’ll see.

i want to share three updates:

I’m tinkering with the idea of now calling the Cravin’ idea “I Get Fucked”. I think that title rips. It is PRETTY much done, and when I realized that, I got pretty emotional feeling like this song was the one i’ve been trying to write since I was BP. sounds insane but it’s pretty true to me.

Check the latest version here

Next up is Patient Role which I will probably keep as the name. the big revelation here was that I’m going to have my friend AJ crew rap on the part right before the outro. I think this will be a super interesting tune with a rap feat. i’m so interested in seamlessly combining vibes together

check that here - no feat on it yet

lastly is Time to Give Up, which is very close but missing some key bits. Originally I had this more stagnant main melody, but I’m going to add some more melodic stuff to give it more ‘vertical’ value - that’s what it makes sense to call it in my mind, anyway. haha.

Check that

thanks if you’re reading this, I hope you love it all. dying to finish this whole thing up.

Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly