homestretch for sure...


so, there’s always been one song that’s been dragging behind the rest forever. to be honest, that’s often the case during the album making process and it’s really stress inducing haha. you just feel like it’s this gash in the whole album that you’ll never be able to medicate. of course, you do figure out how to get it up to speed eventually.

I was able to really get “We’re Gonna Fall Out” to a legitimate place this week and it’s suuuuuch a relief. what’s so weird about making songs is that you’ll be at like the 24% mark and swearing it’s the worst song idea you’ve ever had, but something deep inside you knows that if you just take it to the 61% mark you’ll see the merits and get excited about the song finally. that’s exactly what happened with this one.

anyway, enough chatter - check out the newest bounce below.

check it out

you know what else went through a crazy metamorphosis?? “ever since you moved (down the street)”. i talked with aaron a few weeks back and our conversation led to viewing that middle drum break as a potential portal to another world. i don’t even really think it was his idea fully, but something got us there. once i had that prompt i knew what i wanted to do, especially because i originally had the idea to do a part 2 of this song that was buzzier, louder, and more active. i thought - “if i felt like i wanted to do a reprise, doesn’t that sort of imply the original song feels unfinished?” done deal once I had that thought…

anyways, check this shit out, it’s so diff now…

now in terms of the album at large - i’ve been honing in on my album art and merch design concepts. i even settled on a couple potential album titles, which i will go with ultimately I’m not yet sure… but it’s a tie between

”as is” and “haha yeah”

i was also pretty nervous about the record length - it’s only about 27 minutes so far. but after reordering the track list a bit and coming to terms with the fact that any additional songs i could write for this record would just be addendums for addendums sake, I decided to trust in what I had.

But, that also leads me to my next point - one band I really like called guerilla toss exclusively seem to release albums that are under 30 minutes! so that was validating. and, i saw them live last night and thoughtlessly bought my favorite album of theirs on vinyl, called GT Ultra. It’s 29 minutes and I never once thought about the release length my whole life. when i realized it was only 8 songs and 29 minutes, i was like holy shit, that’s pretty much where my album was currently at.

i’ve been seeing a lot of live music lately, including Gary Numan, Kishi bashi, and guerilla toss. i’ve been so inspired by all of it and am kinda dying to get to a place where i can do a tour. it’s been so long for me and the energy is so unique.

anyway, before I sign off - here’s what’s left to do for the album - i’m writing this so you can get a sense on how close i am, but this is mostly for my peace of mind haheheheh:

mechanical heartbeat - vocals need finalizing and the production needs a final “shrinkwrap”
patient role - this thing is ready for mastering
i get fucked - i just need to figure out if i can do better vocal takes and also make them more discernible
bored and worse fine with it - i’d like to redo vox in the bridge if i can, and the ending needs just one last thing. verse 2 could maybe use some bells and whistles too.
ever since you moved - just decide if the bridge is indeed done or not - it’s an answer but is it THE answer?
gonna fall out - just sit with this one for a week and final ideas will come to you, but i’d think it’s close
time to give up - this is done as fuck, just need cryp’s feat. on it to see where we are
i’ll be the one to leave - need to retrack guitar and vocals and then decide on what to do for strings.
