This one could make me cry


I could continually apologize for taking some time between these updates, but I know that y’all are so patient and understanding with me, so what’s the use in wasting time on it again, eh???

That aside, what have I been up to the last 3 months? So much. BP has more or less blown up - and by that I don’t mean we’ve gone insanely viral or anything, but business is definitely booming and shows no signs of stopping. So, I’ve had to figure out where my energy is best applied, how to manage my time, who i should hire (if anyone), etc…

don’t get me wrong, it’s been an ABSOLUTE blast. i love every minute of every aspect of being a band.

that said - i have been working on music and many of my strongest song ideas are starting to formalize slowly into finished products, which is an amazing feeling. the first of which is this:

i always knew that you needed me (maybe finished?!)

this song has been such a lesson. as you know, i’m one to dive in way too far and way too hard into a song - it’s hard to just settle down into the point of a song. this song was an exercise in that for me - how can i just make a simple and honest thing that still hits and has that bp flavor to it?

i think i really nailed it here, very satisfied. the song makes me really emotional. for the past several albums its been about lost love. this song’s about found love. i felt myself pulling away from the meaning of the song all the time - “rewrite it”, “make it sad”, “this isn’t bp”. of course it’s bp!!! it’s me.

been a very interesting lesson to have a song challenge me to be happy in the lyrics. i mean, could i take a hint from the cosmos??

idk - being a little ineloquent here but i’m sure you get the point. i hope you love the tune…by god i will finish this album next year, i promise you!


Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly