feels like we're really getting somewhere

making an album for me is rarely some clearly planned “i know what i’m trying to make” sort of thing…

it’s usually more like sifting sand - "what’s beneath all this random energy?”

for me it takes a lot of just mucking around - maybe even for a year - before seeing a path, or song, or sound emerge.

lately, it feels like i’ve found my first artifact in the sand - that being, the thing beneath the sand is starting to poke out, and all i’ve got to do is keep sifting.

this is usually the swiftest part of the album making process, because this new “north star” also comes with a bevy of inspiration and clarity - even if i don’t have a lot of music written at that point.

i really like it - it actually feels like part of why BP sounds the way it does. rarely do i have this clear song written and then bring it to some produced point - it’s usually a slow game of sifting until you realize - you’ve found it!

point being - these songs i have to share feel like they’re really looking towards something, and having been here before, i know this is where the album starts to really happen:

i always knew that you needed me - aside from one or two things i want to try, this is likely the final version

make it right - this is really becoming something i love. lot of work left to do but i see how this could feel.

when you enter this world - i think this was bettered by the acoustic opening piece, but i’m still not 100% on how it will all work together.

wrapped in the dollar - this has come SO far and i’m pumped. the bridge is lacking all of what it needs (a lot…so to speak)

thanks for being here, you have no idea how important you are to all of this


Jesse GillenwaltersWeekly