How "Robocall" Was Written


this song was def workshopped a lot. i remember being hesitant to get into a pretty properly ‘rock’ realm, but if the idea’s good and that’s the best environment for the idea, don’t force a square peg, right…? this was the initial voice memo that came from the early writing sessions.

Aaron loved the riff, and gave some ideas for how to extend it which i implemented here the next time we met up -

I remember struggling with writing a chorus for this song. aaron had me write so much to find how this song would settle out, and it felt like every time he tasked me with more writing it felt like i was entering a forest on fire while being tasked with rescuing an endangered animal or something. it always felt like this intense journey for ‘the thing’. here were 2 choruses we didn’t stick with.

after a whle, i came to him with this. i was really approaching this whole album initially with a sense of calm depression. i didn’t think i’d get into a lot of ‘loud’ or ‘dope’ tunes. when i brought this to aaron, he was kind of immediately like ‘this should be loud af and rockin’!’ and i was like JEEZZeeee really?

so, i made it way more beefy and louder and distorted, and he was obsessed with it.

The -super- interesting part of this song was how in discovering the ending, aaron pulls out this super forgotten voice memo i had written during the initial sessions in 2018, and is just like ‘this could be the bridge’. and I was like NO WAY. and it came -SO- late in the game of writing the song!!

you know how it goes, but here’s a decently early version of the song where the bridge/ending is more straight ahead, before we added more twists and turns to it.

here’s some neato tracking moments, including aaron going nutso playing this song.