Facebook: Annotated Lyrics


staring at your clavicle again

during another facebook binge

feeling so wrong and broken

for I’m trying to recapture the feeling

of what we used to feel like then

no, it’s not called “Fantastic collarbones”. but they are another elegant + bony protrusion of the body.

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wincing over photos that i’m featured in

examining the difference

by the bone structure and skin

for I’m trying to recapture the feeling

of what we used to feel like then

i wanted to post an old picture of us, but to protect her privacy, accept this photo where she is just offscreen.


Like a nervous kid in gym again, wondering if perversion isn’t wrong

Nothing hurts me more than knowing that I never even took you to the prom

I wanna bicker like it’s normal


Wondering now if you were legal then while Taking an eye to your ivory skin…Nevertheless needing more than this but it’s far gone, no dice. this will suffice, if it must

facebook stalking is interesting. the further down a rabbit hole you go, the further back in time you go. before you know it, the 28 year old woman you were looking at has become a minor.

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staring at your clavicle again

during another facebook binge

feeling so wrong and broken

for I’m trying to recapture the feeling

of what we used to feel like then

i’ll be honest - i kinda love facebook. i love instagram too. i’m 28, so i understand that facebook might be more my jam. once at a generationals concert i made a new friend, and asked her for her facebook - she looked at me like i was crazy.


wincing over photos that i’m featured in

examining the difference

by the bone structure and skin

for I’m trying to recapture the feeling

of what we used to feel like then

another tricky part of facebook stalking - reaching the point in a photo stream where you start reliving your relationship with the person.

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loving a frozen irreparable digital ghost is

parallel to kneeling at a church waiting for your god to text you back

i don’t believe in gods. the relationships people try to have with something they can’t even prove exists is a lot like trying to dig into a past relationship you can’t revive. it’s also a lot like helga’s arnold shrine from “hey arnold.”

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when i exhaust all these pictures of you ii

know that i’ll find something else to abuse -

maybe the notes that i still have saved from an

old time when you

loved my long do

and bad teeth

my first ever girlfriend made a comment on my teeth, and the next day i forced my parents to get me braces. when i was dating the girl this song is about, she was sad to see them get put on because she liked my teeth the way they were. this picture is from 2020, but my teeth are bad once again because i stopped wearing a retainer long ago. also grew my hair out.


wincing over photos that i’m featured in

examining the difference

by the bone structure and skin

for I’m trying to recapture the feeling

of what we used to feel like then

again, not a picture of her, but here is a dated picture of me most likely playing a song about her. this is the UO shirt mentioned in “cornell”. and yeah, i wore that mask all the time.


Like a nervous kid in gym again, wondering if perversion isn’t wrong

nothing hurts me more than knowing that I never even took you to the prom

I wanna bicker like it’s normal