Stuck in a Juvenile, Treacherous World


Littered amongst all the rubble and soot

Lingers the scent of a girll

From 2010

…we know what the scent is.


Effervescent, ushered into your world So pheremonic and precious, filling the air


Stuck gazing down navel hallways, Never loved her but ya loved her always

Omphaloskepsis or navel-gazing is contemplation of one's navel as an aid to meditation…However, phrases such as "navel-gazing" are frequently used, usually in jocular fashion, to refer to self-absorbed pursuits.

Cardboard cutouuud.jpg

You’ve been praying at the altar of a cardboard cut-out

The empty outline of her, so special

she has such an effect on me that being close to her in any manner is enthralling - even if that means in thoughts, dreams, relics, or traveling to places of our past where she no longer resides.

The energy of her could make you go fetal Praising her inside your head is the most addictive yet


I’m living in a land of shifting sand

this tricky mario level is full of surprises and traps, just like the slippery world of this girl’s memory.


Derivative of a thought of a thought,

Emulation of a ROm

From 2010

emulators are used to play older video games on a computer (in a rom format). the memory of this girl is like booting up a fake reproduction.


Do not exist even a little bit

Clung to a ghost of a shadow of thinning air

Stuck gazing down navel hallways,

Never loved her but you loved her always

You’ve been praying at the altar of a cardboard cut-out

i’ve never earnestly used the word ‘love’ within any relationship of mine in the past. to be honest, i don’t think i’ve ever felt true love. while dating this girl, i resisted saying it because it seemed too real. she wanted to. (or as the band aan might say…”i don’t need love”)


The empty outline of her, so special

The energy of her could make you go fetal

Praising her inside your head is the most addictive yet


I’m living in a land of shifting sand

i’ve always felt a little juvenile. being ‘stuck’ in this world of a classic video game highlights another element of feeling regressed and immature.