Rare Prayer

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you are the cosmic exhale

lingering from a loud shout

vibrating from the viscera

of the big bang

i’m an atheist. i’m noting that even at the furthest reaches from the source of the mass expansion that is the big bang, she still has a sneaky, pervasive presence.


you are the succubus

that enters my room at night

and sits on my chest

while i stir

i dream about this girl constantly. i’ve journaled all of them down. the dreams always leave me feeling weighty and restless the next day. a suitable comparison to this effect is the succubus of folklore, known for sitting on the chests of sleeping people and terrorizing them. (this was later understood to just be sleep apnea, most likely).

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you are the cheshire cat

leering in the corners of my dreams

offering misdirection

and truths

every time she comes to me in one of these dreams, she has all the answers, and all the power. it’s like she’s secretly controlling the plot of all of them.


there is no god

only j…