Follow Your Dreams


“It’s 1:31 and we’re at the hospital for Mark because he fell”…”He died - bleeding”…”Jesse died”…”Wanna know how I got these scars?”…

these are clips from a video taken at a hospital. i was on a hike with my ex and our friends at Robert Treman park when it was cut short by an accident.


“Make sure you follow your dreams. Fuck what anyone else tells you to do - follow your dreams. You hear me?”

this XXXtentacion quote hits different in the context of a literal dream. i wonder what’s worth following in literal dreams?


because even in moments of peace i find you

with an ozymandian presence

domineering and happy, the worst kind of thing

for a cracked me looking for respite

Ozymandias - “king of kings” - he aimed to be eternal, but his statue crumbled like the rest. perhaps my ex is like ozymandias, except this time - succeeding to be eternal to me…

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your reach so vast, the U.S. feels too small -

8 hours away and I keep passing through


interesting how you use cosmic means to find me

even after i’ve closed every goddamned door I could find open in between us both

and in sexual reminiscence

replacing her body with yours last night